Meet Owen! He is four years old and battling B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

Owen’s cancer was discovered right after his family moved to Florida from Ohio when he was two. His mom noticed some unusual bruising and brought him to the pediatrician’s office, where they tested his hemoglobin levels. After coming back at extremely low levels and after additional bloodwork, they were sent to the hospital, where Owen was diagnosed with leukemia. Owen has been a champion through it all and will be ringing the bell signifying the end of his treatment very soon!

Owen is rowdy and full of life. He loves going on adventures, playing at parks, and reading books, and he is incredibly generous. Last Christmas, he gave his care members some of his prized possession, and each received one of his toy cars or trucks.

Owen was recently in our 2022 St. Petersburg Fashion Funds the Cure event and walked the runway during his Dream Walk as a Heavy Equipment Operator! 

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