
Aubriana is 8-years-old and currently battling medulloblastoma

“Aubriana was diagnosed with medulloblastoma. By the grace of God and Aubriana’s incredible pediatrician, they recognized the urgency of her symptoms and sent her for immediate testing which ultimately saved her life. ‪On Wednesday, December 18th‬, a team of talented and remarkable doctors successfully removed all of her tumor.  But Aubriana’s fight is far from over!  The tumor removal left a small indentation that needs to heal, leaving her left side paralyzed. As it heals she has had to relearn how to do everything again from feeding herself, sitting, standing to walking. Although not a guarantee her surgeon is confident she will make a full recovery from her paralysis. On March 18 she completed a 7-week course of Proton Therapy radiation. She is currently undergoing a year of chemotherapy.”

Aubriana joined our #43challenge virtual walk event in April.

“I figured Aubriana would need her wheelchair assistance at some point but wanted to do some walking. She started walking and never stopped!!! She did the whole 43 minutes!! This girl just had a brain tumor removed about 4 months ago. This girl had to relearn how to how to walk again. This girl just had 7 weeks of radiation end a month ago. This girl just had chemo and a blood transfusion yesterday. THIS GIRL SAID “I DON’T WANT TO STOP”. Wow. The inspiration, motivation, strength and courage this girl has is boundless. We cheered her in on minute 43!! Abigail went on to do 4.3 miles for her sister. SO PROUD”

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